What is the Warranty Policy for Titan Watches?
All titan watches come with a 2-year Warranty policy. For Fastrack and Sonata we have 1 year warranty. The following conditions will be checked before providing Warranty:
- The watch has not been repaired elsewhere.
- Warranty only for the internal mechanism such as repair or replacement of internal components, not replacement with another watch
- Replace the battery within the warranty period (1 year for battery warranty)
- Warranty is only valid when the watch has a valid warranty book/Order confirmation from Titan Australia/New Zealand and has complete information such as: watch code, place of sale, date of purchase, buyer information and must be in specified warranty period.
- Warranty period is calculated from the date of purchase recorded on the warranty book/Order confirmation from Titan Australia/New Zealand
**** Conditions not covered by warranty:
- There is no warranty for indirect consequences of the user's improper use of the watch.
- No warranty for watches that have been repaired at non-genuine locations.
- No warranty for external parts such as: shell, glass, wire, beads, ... External parts are repaired for a fee with the customer's consent.